We are all 5 elemental beings:

While we all have some of each element inside of us, your unique combination of these elements is called your constitution or "prakruti". This is your mind/body type that came together at the time of your birth.
Pitta dominant types consist of mostly fire & water.
Kapha dominant types consist of water & earth.
Vata dominant ypes of wind & ether (space).
The practice of Ayurveda supports us in maintaining balance in mind/body/spirit as the seasons of the year and life shift. When there's an imbalance present different from your balanced prakruti state it is called your "vikruti".
Ayurveda is all about living in harmony with the seasons to maintain balance. This includes many different practices including daily rituals, seasonal cleanses, yoga, seasonal diet, pranayama (breathwork), meditation, sound, movement and so much more.

Seasonal Eating
Eating with the seasons is the quickest way to manage or prevent seasonal imbalances. When we flow with the change of the season vs against it then we are setting ourselves up to live optimally and in good health. To do this, we favor specific tastes and qualities that are opposite of the season we're in.
This can get a bit tricky when first getting started. My seasonal cooking workshops are a great way to support you on your journey to healthy living.